The mass grave of Blas Infante is four times bigger than what was found at the
school of the Escolapios de Archidona. His childhood took place in a peasant Andalusia, where day laborers went hungry and workers suffered the sting of poverty and illiteracy. Misery was the prevailing trend among the most underprivileged classes. This social inequality would mark Blas Infante forever and would be reflected in his political ideas.
In his masterpiece, ‘Ideal andaluz’, published in 1915, the following sentence appears, which shows the impression he was made by the hardship that existed in the Andalusian countryside. “I have had stuck in my conscience, since my childhood, the somber vision of the day laborer. I have seen him walk his hunger through the streets of the village, confusing his agony with the sad agony of winter afternoons…”.
creation of the Andalusian Centers. The first one was set up in Seville in 1916. It was the first step in his desire to achieve Andalusian autonomy, since these centers were organs of expression of the cultural and social reality of Andalusia. Another important milestone was
It is true that there was no distinct language, but that was not a prerequisite for self-affirmation. Andalusia’s problem was economic underdevelopment, the result of a latifundia regime that was detrimental to collective interests. The ruling classes, a parasitic caste, were incapable of generating wealth through the exploitation of the land.
This was one of the historical reasons for the “decadence” of Andalusia. If the root of the problems was in the past, that meant that they had a solution. They did not depend on a supposed racial nature. Blas Infante took an energetic stand against attempts to convert his countrymen into an inferior race, in accordance with prejudices that were in vogue in Europe at the time.
Towards the pedagogical dictatorshipAfter the publication of Ideal Andaluz, Blas Infante devoted himself to intense activism. To propagate his ideas he created the “Andalusian Centers”, conceived as socio-cultural spaces for ideological dissemination. The first one was founded in 1916 in Seville. On the other hand, the incipient Andalusianism was equipped with its own means of communication with a view to promoting a hitherto non-existent regional collective conscience. Thus, the weekly El Regionalista and several monthly magazines were born.
Algeciras: The Andalusian flag is removed from the traffic circle of Blas.
The historical site comprises a space located on the margin of the national road IV, or Carretera de Carmona, at its kilometer 4, coinciding with the current Gota de Leche junction, of the SE-30 ring road, being located in the northwest corner of the intersection formed by both roads.
The monument, which began to be erected in 1983 and whose original project by the architect José Ferrari underwent subsequent modifications, has been conceived as a space, in the manner of a rectangular square, in which parterres with vegetation are distributed and at the southern end of which is the sculptural ensemble.
The composition, due to the Sevillian sculptor Sebastián Santos Calero and the architect Juan Escribano, is formed by a base on which is located a pedestal from which emerge two Ionic marble columns, which support a bronze piece on which can be read on the front: “Andalusia must fulfill an ideal as a distinct and complete reality, as a living spiritual unit, conscious and free. And on the back is written: “Long live free Andalusia”.
Blas Infante Pérez de Vargas nació el 5 de julio de 1885 en el pueblo de Casares (Málaga). Entre 1896 y 1899 estudió en el Colegio de los Padres Escolapios de Archidona. El bachillerato lo realizó en el Instituto Aguilar y Eslava de Cabra (Córdoba) y el Bachillerato en el Colegio San Rafael y el Instituto Vicente Espinel de Málaga. Regresó a Casares donde trabajó como ayudante de su padre que estaba empleado como Secretario de los Juzgados Municipales.
Fue en 1913 durante la celebración de un Congreso Internacional en Ronda cuando Blas Infante pronunció su famoso discurso que comenzaba con las palabras: “Ha llegado el momento de que los privilegiados mueran”. Siguió proclamando a Andalucía como la tierra más fértil de España.
En 1918 se celebró en Ronda la primera Asamblea de Provincias Andaluzas de la historia, donde se estrenó la bandera oficial de Andalucía. También se publicó el himno de Andalucía escrito por Infante con ayuda del maestro Castillo.
En 1918-19, Blas Infante fue elegido diputado al Consejo por el distrito de Gaucín-Casares-Estepona. En 1919 se casó con Angustias García Pradas y se trasladaron a Sevilla donde Infante fundó la Biblioteca de Abante. Al año siguiente ocupó la plaza de notario en Isla Cristina y la familia se trasladó de Sevilla. Allí se encontraba cuando se produjo el golpe de estado del general Primo de Ribiera en 1923.